

课程描述 十大网络彩票平台大全



选择完成机械维修技术(MMAT)计划中所有课程的学生可以按照以下推荐的顺序或根据自己的需要创建定制的时间表. NECE建议学生在注册前咨询他们的学术顾问,以获得基于个人教育目标的学术建议.


Recommended Sequence - 1st Semester

MMAT 101 Introduction to Industrial Operations
MMAT 105 Hand and Portable Tools
MMAT 109测量
MMAT 111 Schematics Symbols and Blueprints
MMAT 115 Lubrication, Bearings and Seals
MMAT 117 Material Handling Systems
MMAT 119故障处理技能

Recommended Sequence - 2nd Semester

MMAT 150 Mechanical and Fluid Drive Systems
MMAT 155 Hydraulics and Pneumatics
MMAT 160 Valves and Steam Traps
MMAT 162 Piping, Tubing Systems, and Pipefitting
MMAT 175 Pumps, Compressors, and Turbines

Recommended Sequence - 3rd Semester

MMAT 205 Basic Electricity and Electronics
WELD 118 测试 OA in Welding, Brazing, Cutting
焊缝140方法在GMA & FCA焊接
WELD 170 Arc Welding Operations
WELD 173 Methods in Arc Welding Operations


Additional Course- Departmental Approval Required

MMAT 197-297 Cooperative 教育/Internship


请浏览 教育计划连结 了解更多信息.


MMAT 101 Introduction to Industrial Operations - 2 credits
Covers the basic 蒸汽 generation and gas conversion systems, how thermal energy is converted into electrical energy, 系统组成, and design features for gaining thermal efficiency. 包括水、燃料和废物的处理,以及工业工厂的操作特点.

MMAT 103 Safety and Health - 2 credits
This course covers all aspects of 维护ing a safe work environment; including OSHA/Regulatory Compliance and Laboratory Safety. 本课程满足工业安全、健康和监管培训的需要.

MMAT 105 Hand and Portable Tools - 2 credits
本课程涵盖了工作中使用的最重要的手工工具. Examines the various kinds of 扳手 and 螺丝刀, their uses and handling techniques, pipefitting工具, 管道工具, 电工工具, 钣金加工工具, machinists' metal-working tools. 解释用途, 选择, safety and care of industrial power tools: Electric drills, 电锤, 风钻和风锤, 螺丝刀, 螺母的跑步者, 扳手, 直线运动和圆锯, 路由器和平面, 电动桑德斯, 研磨机, 和剪. Covers tool sharpening techniques for selected tools.

基本力学 - 2 credits
This course covers force and motion, 功、能量和流体力学在工业维修中的应用. Explains principles of operation for simple machines, 比如杠杆, 斜面, 轮轴, 滑轮, 和螺丝. Explains the basic elements of industrial machines, 以及常用的测量工具,用于监控和调整设备.

MMAT 109测量 - 2 credits
本课程涵盖商业和工业应用中使用的测量单位. 检查基本测量概念和程序的各个方面,包括精度和公差. 包括用于比较测量的技术和设备(表盘指示器和量规块).

MMAT 111 Schematics Symbols and Blueprints - 2 credits
涵盖商业和工业环境中使用的所有类型的原理图和符号. 检查原理图上的符号, 电气符号和图表, 管道符号和图表, hydraulic and pneumatic diagrams and symbols. 研究和解释电气/电子控制原理图. Covers welding and joining symbols.

mmat113工业索具 - 1 credit
本课程涵盖使用绳索的技术和保障措施, 链, 起重机, 搬运重型工厂设备和维护工厂设施时使用脚手架.

MMAT 115 Lubrication, Bearings and Seals - 2 credits
Covers a complete lubrication training program, including functions and characteristics of lubricants, factors in 选择 of lubricants, 以及添加剂的影响. 描述用于润滑的油、润滑脂和其他化合物,以及它们的应用. 涵盖滑动轴承,他们的零件,尺寸,功能,和衬线技术. 继续安装和更换减摩轴承. Also covers linear motion bearings and shaft seals.

MMAT 117 Material Handling Systems - 1 credit
用于输送煤、沙子、砾石、谷物和其他松散物料的带式输送机. Acquaints the student with the terminology, 基本结构, and operation of material handling systems. Includes detailed coverage of belts, 带吸尘器, 惰轮, 和进料/出料装置, as well as an explanation of how to install, 维护, 取代, and troubleshoot these components.

MMAT 119故障处理技能 - 1 credit
探讨故障排除的主题和正确维护程序的重要性. 包括与他人合作,协助沟通和贸易责任. 使用原理图和符号概述故障排除技术和辅助工具. 重点介绍具体维护任务、故障维护和计划维护.


MMAT 150 Mechanical and Fluid Drive Systems - 2 credits
包括皮带传动, 链传动, 齿轮和齿轮传动装置, 可调速驱动器, 轴对齐, 轴联轴器, 还有离合器和刹车.

MMAT 155 Hydraulics and Pneumatics - 3 credits
涵盖液压和气动原理,液压流体的类型及其特性. 介绍液压和气动系统的组成部分及其功能, including filters and strainers, 蓄水池和蓄水池, 泵, 管道, 油管和软管, 控制阀, relief 阀门 and actuating devices.

MMAT 160 Valves and Steam Traps - 3 credits
Covers maintenance and operation of gate, 全球, 球, 插头, 检查, special-purpose 阀门 and 蒸汽 traps. Details actuators and various accessories. Explains valve 选择 based on application. Explores methods of protecting 管道 systems.

MMAT 162 Piping, Tubing Systems, and Pipefitting - 2 credits
Covers tubing specifications, materials, and fittings. 探索用于处理,弯曲,切割和安装油管的程序. 给s basics of tubing in a hydraulic system. Covers hose systems, gaskets, sealant, and adhesives. 包括用于工厂流体输送的管道和管道系统:液压流体, 蒸汽, 液化产品, 制冷剂, 和水. Explores typical metallic and nonmetallic 管道 systems, pipe-joining方法, and how 油管和软管 differ from 管道, 阀门, 管件, 衣架, supports and insulation and covers how tubing is sized, 安装, 弯曲和连接. Studies uses of traps, filters, and strainers.

mmat170设备安装 - 2 credits
Covers installation procedures for large plant equipment. Considers factors affecting proper installation in detail, from preparatory relocation of underground 管道 and wiring, 通过设备锚固, 调正试车.

MMAT 175 Pumps, Compressors, and Turbines - 5 credits
涵盖各种类型的泵,压缩机和涡轮机的典型应用. Explores factors affecting equipment 选择. Defines operating principles of centrifugal, 螺旋桨, 和涡轮机, 旋转, 往复, 计量设备. 包括专用泵, 隔膜泵, 还有一些设计用于处理腐蚀性和磨蚀性物质.


焊接110氧燃料操作 - 2 credits
本课程提供培训,以发展使用氧乙炔焊接生产高质量焊缝所需的手工技能, 钎焊, and cutting process on mild steel.

WELD 118 测试 OA in Welding, Brazing, Cutting - 2 credits
本课程提供实验室来发展使用氧乙炔焊接生产高质量焊接所必需的手工技能, 钎焊 and cutting processes on mild steel.

焊接原理 - 2 credits

焊缝140方法在GMA & FCA焊接- 2学分

WELD 170 Arc Welding Operations - 2 credits
本课程培养在所有位置使用保护金属弧焊工艺生产高质量焊缝所需的手工技能, on thin and medium thickness mild steel, 使用E60系列电极的单道和多道焊接.

WELD 173 Methods in Arc Welding Operations - 4 credits

MMAT 205 Basic Electricity and Electronics - 3 credits
涵盖基本的,非数学的方法来理解电学原理. 介绍电子理论、静电、运动中的电子和磁学. 涵盖测量电流、电压和电阻的基本方法. Explains circuit components-conductors, 绝缘体, 电阻, 电容和简单的欧姆定律计算直流和交流电路.

Additional course - Department approval required
MMAT 197-297 Cooperative 教育/Internship - 1-3 credits
Repeatable up to six semester hours. 学生在合格的监督下获得机械维修技术职业的在职经验. Work hours arranged by employer, advisor, and student. 雇主通过口头和书面报告来检查学生的学习进度. 举行学生顾问会议,讨论进展和/或问题. 所有的实习经历都以满意/不满意为基础进行评分. Consent of department chairperson.