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Alcohol e-CHECK UP TO GO | Bismarck State College

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Alcohol e-CHECK UP TO GO

Want feedback on your use of alcohol?

The Alcohol eCHECKUP TO GO is a brief self-assessment that will provide you with accurate and detailed information about:
  • Your personal risk patterns
  • Your individual level of alcohol tolerance
  • Your unique family risk factors
  • Harm reduction strategies
  • Helpful resources at Bismarck State College and in our community

What Does it do?

During the Alcohol e-CHECKUP TO GO, you will complete a questionnaire including information about yourself, your family history, and your drinking habits. After all information has been entered, your responses are processed. The e-CHECKUP TO GO compares your responses to national and local college norms. Then your personalized feedback is displayed. The information you enter is only available to you. You can share it confidentially with the BSC Counselor if you choose to share your unique 12 digit code. Any Bismarck State College student may choose to take the e-CheckUp TO GO for their own information and education. Students who wish to review their results or discuss any concerns about substance use are encouraged to contact the BSC Counselor at 224-5752 or bsc.counseling@tilar.net.